International journal of pavement research and technology
Journal on-line (2009) Volume 2, Issue 4
  Editor's Corner
  Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel in Virginia: An Engineering Wonder of the Modern World
  Chung Wu
  Pages: IV  Open Abstract    PDF Downloaded:4555

  Technical Papers
  Evaluation of the Dielectric Constants and Air Voids of Asphalt Concrete Using a Parallel Plate Method
  Booil Kim and Yeong Min Kim
  Pages: 123-129  Open Abstract    PDF Downloaded:4555

  Laboratory Study on Solar Collector of Thermal Conductive Asphalt Concrete
  Shaopeng Wu, Mingyu Chen, Hong Wang, and Yuan Zhang
  Pages: 130-136  Open Abstract    PDF Downloaded:4555

  Factors Affecting Cracking of Notched Asphalt Concrete
  R. A. Tarefder, E. M Kias, and T. Ng
  Pages: 137-147  Open Abstract    PDF Downloaded:4555

  Master Curves for Stiffness Asphalt Concrete
  Saeed Ghaffarpour Jahromi and Ali Khodaii
  Pages: 148-153  Open Abstract    PDF Downloaded:4555

  Application of Warm-Mix Modified Asphalt Mixture in Highway Maintenance Project
  Rong-Hui Zhang, Yan-Kun Zou, and Ying-Mei Yin
  Pages: 154-161  Open Abstract    PDF Downloaded:4555

  Technical Notes
  Study of Mechanism of Flame-Retardant SBS-Modified Asphalt
  Da-Liang Liu, Yun-Yong Huang, Jian-Long Zheng, Jian-Bo Yuan, and Ye-Qiu Liu
  Pages: 162-165  Open Abstract    PDF Downloaded:4555

  Effect of Montmorillonite on Oil Resistance of SBS modified Bitumen
  Henglong Zhang, Liang Hu, Wenchao Li, and Jianying Yu
  Pages: 166-170  Open Abstract    PDF Downloaded:4555

  Research on Relationship betwween Gradation Type and Segregation Degree of Asphalt Mixture
  Aimin Sha, Xin Zhao, and Yu Lei
  Pages: 171-175  Open Abstract    PDF Downloaded:4555

  Experimental Research on Ultra Thin Friction Course Interlayer Bonding Strength
  Xue-Feng Nan and Ze-Feng Tian
  Pages: 171-180  Open Abstract    PDF Downloaded:4555

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