International journal of pavement research and technology
Journal on-line (2010) Volume 3, Issue 5
  Editor's Corner
  International Conference on Sustainable Concrete Pavements: Practices, Challenges, and Directions
  Shiraz Tayabji
  Pages: IV  Open Abstract    PDF Downloaded:4459

  Technical Papers
  Use of Low-CO2 Portland Limestone Cement for Pavement Construction in Canada
  M.D.A. Thomas, K. Cail, B. Blair, A. Delagrave, P. Masson, and K. Kazanis
  Pages: 228-233  Open Abstract    PDF Downloaded:4459

  Mixture Proportioning Options for Improving High Volume Fly Ash Concretes
  Dale P. Bentz, Chiara F. Ferraris, Igor De la Varga, Max A. Peltz, and John A. Winpigler
  Pages: 234-240  Open Abstract    PDF Downloaded:4459

  Sustainable Pavement Overlays Using Engineered Cementitious Composites
  Michael D. Lepech and Victor C. Li
  Pages: 241-250  Open Abstract    PDF Downloaded:4465

  Concrete Containing RAP for Use in Concrete Pavement
  Nabil Hossiney, Mang Tia, and Michael J. Bergin
  Pages: 251-259  Open Abstract    PDF Downloaded:4462

  Challenges Confronting Sustainable Practices for Concrete Pavement Design and Construction in Australia
  George Vorobieff
  Pages: 259-269  Open Abstract    PDF Downloaded:4459

  Greenroads: A Sustainability Rating System for Roadways
  Stephen T. Muench, Jeralee Anderson, and Tim Bevan
  Pages: 270-279  Open Abstract    PDF Downloaded:4462

  Using Soybean Oil to Improve the Durability of Concrete Pavements
  John T. Kevern
  Pages: 280-285  Open Abstract    PDF Downloaded:4464

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