International journal of pavement research and technology
Journal on-line (2013) Volume 6, Issue 3
  Editor's Corner
  Nanomaterials in Asphalt Pavements
  Zhanping You
  Pages: IV  Open Abstract    PDF Downloaded:4460

  Technical Papers
  Laboratory Testing of Paving Mixes – Dynamic Material Functions and Wheel Tracking Tests
  J. Zak, J. Stastna, L. Zanzotto, and D. MacLeod
  Pages: 147-154  Open Abstract    PDF Downloaded:4464

  Artificial Neural Network Models to Estimate Resilient Modulus of Cementitiously Stabilized Subgrade Soils
  Pranshoo Solanki
  Pages: 155-164  Open Abstract    PDF Downloaded:4460

  Historical Performance of Rubblized Jointed Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Overlaid with Asphaltic Concrete in the State of Louisiana, USA
  Kevin Gaspard, Patrick Icenogle, Christopher Abadie, Zhongjie “Doc” Zhang, and Mostafa Elseifi
  Pages: 165-174  Open Abstract    PDF Downloaded:4460

  Feasibility Study of Using Quarry Waste for Pavement Application and its Optimization
  Guilian Zou, Jian Xu, and Chung Wu
  Pages: 175-183  Open Abstract    PDF Downloaded:4460

  Performance of Preventive Maintenance Treatments of Flexible Pavements
  Mohammad Jamal Khattak and Mohammad Alrashidi
  Pages: 184-196  Open Abstract    PDF Downloaded:4460

  Evaluation of the Dynamic Modulus for Asphalt Mixtures with Varying Volumetric Properties
  Qiang Li, Fujian Ni, Guofen Li, and Hongchang Wang
  Pages: 197-204  Open Abstract    PDF Downloaded:4460

  Asphalt Binder Grading System by Indirectly Estimated Parameters and Relationship to Performance Related Properties of Asphalt Mixture
  Nuttaporn Charoentham, Kunnawee Kanitpong, and Hussain Bahia
  Pages: 205-216  Open Abstract    PDF Downloaded:4460

  Evaluation of Rheology and Moisture Susceptibility of Asphalt Mixtures Modified with Low Density Polyethylene
  Bagampadde, U, Kaddu, D, and Kiggundu, B. M.
  Pages: 217-224  Open Abstract    PDF Downloaded:4460

  The Impact of Strain Gage Instrumentation on Localized Strain Responses in Asphalt Concrete Pavements
  Hao Yin
  Pages: 225-234  Open Abstract    PDF Downloaded:4460

  Technical Notes
  The Testing Method for Aggregate Internal Structure Types in Asphalt Pavements after Construction
  Zhe-sheng Ge and Xiao-ning Zhang
  Pages: 235-238  Open Abstract    PDF Downloaded:4460

  Mechanical Properties and Impermeability of High Performance Cementitious Composite Reinforced with Polyethylene Fibers
  Mingliang Xing, Rui He, Shuanfa Chen, and Yongpeng Li
  Pages: 239-242  Open Abstract    PDF Downloaded:4462

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